Before pictures of the Little Trailer

I forgot we had these pictures until Abby mentioned them to me so I thought you would enjoy seeing the before pictures also. Here they are:

Attention to details

In the process of being completed

“But now, O LORD, You are our Father;  We are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand.” Isaiah 64:8 

Just in case you didn’t see the finished result click here

Of scrapbooking and wedding anniversary

Well a few weeks ago my sisters and I were thinking that we should do something special for our parents anniversary, besides a romantic dinner, so one of us suggested that we finish the unfinished scrapbook. A few years ago someone gave us a scrapbook kit, we only filled the first two pages of it, the rest of the pictures that we wanted to fill it with were on the computer. So we made special portrait pictures for the scrapbook. We worked on the scrapbook whenever we could and finished it on their anniversary day. It turned out better than I expected! I snapped a few pictures of it so you can get a glimpse of it. We didn’t quite finish it yet, but planning to do it soon.

The scrapbook 


Do you recognize that picture? 

Now it’s your turn, grab a stack of old pictures and new and fill your notebook or scrapbook with it

Now for a peek from the romantic dinner we prepared for our parents

So how about you, do you enjoy scrapbook? Tell us about it! How many did you complete? BTW our parents really liked the scrapbook and were also surprised to receive it!

Random Beauty.

We haven’t been posting in a while because we were busy with school and other stuff. Like I said in previous posts,  Abby is taking a photography class at college and as a student she can check out a camera, so she checked out a Canon EOS Rebel XTi ! Therefore here are few pictures taken with a Canon!

Drop us a note and tell us what you think!